Sermon Series: The Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: The Christian's Battle Against Anxiety

Sermon Text: Luke 12:22-34

Sermon Points: 

1. Get in the Fight

2. Trust God to Provide What You Need

3. Set Your Sights Higher

4. Get to the Source

Daily Devotional Guide

The most formative years of a child's life are between birth and up to 8 years old. It's not that the other years don't matter but what happens in those first few years has a way of shaping a child's future. This should serve as a reminder that parents are doing more than raising a kid, they're setting a course. 

My mom and dad divorced when I was somewhere around four or five years old. Divorce is painful at any age but the timing for this particular one seemingly couldn't have been worse for me. Throw in my mom's poor health and even poorer financial situation and you have a recipe for some serious problems. By the time I was in the fourth grade I was seeing doctors for what seemed to be an ulcer developing in my stomach. "Hey, kid, stop worrying so much or you're going to eat a hole in your stomach," isn't all that easy to hear. However, it helped lead me to realize the battle I was in. 

I have no doubt that if I were growing up today with the same conditions I had back then, I would be on more prescriptions and accomodations than I could count. And I would be much worse off. Thankfully, I was pointed to a remedy better than anything that can be found in a doctor's office. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.” That's me. The wiring of my brain would have me follow the lead of Peter and crumble in fear when I see the waves. That would be my natural, sinful response. Thankfully, as a believer, I am no longer a slave to my natural condition. The waves can be scary but they bring us closer to Christ and His power. 

Seeing things this way doesn't make the waves go away but it does put them in perspective by helping me appreciate the Rock of Ages more. 

We live in a day when there's a pill for everything. That's not to say that all of those pills work. When it comes to the anxious heart, medicines (both the prescribed and otherwise) can do wonders for making the pain go away. Until they don't anymore. And then you need more pills.


The call of Christ is not to numb yourself from the pain but rather to trust Him through it. In this week's passage, we find Jesus giving a very systematic approach to fighting our natural urge to give in to worry. That's not to say that simply trying these four steps a couple of times will forever calm our anxiety. There are no shortcuts in this battle. But there is glory. There is victory. 

True freedom isn't found in the absence of trouble. 

If you try to live a worry-free life, you'll never know peace. 

Instead, set your sights higher. Focus on the kingdom of Heaven and the God over it all who does not drop His kids off at the valley of the shadow of death but rather walks with us through it, and guarantees our safe arrival on the other side. 

Monday - Psalm 23

Tuesday - Matthew 14:22-33

Wednesday - 1 Peter 1

Thursday - Isaiah 26

Friday - Joshua 1

Saturday - 2 Timothy 1

Sunday - Luke 12:35-48


Sermon Series: The Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: It's Okay to be Rich but Don't be a Fool

Sermon Text: Luke 12:13-21

Sermon Points:

1. Wealth as Your Idol

2. Wealth as Your Mission

3. Wealth as Your Security

4. Wealth as Your Peace

5. Wealth as Your Salvation

Daily Devotional Guide

This week's passage is still in the difficult sayings of Jesus section of Luke's gospel. The parable of the rich fool reminds us of how seriously Jesus views wealth along with our own tendency to turn blessings into idols. Jesus' words remind us that wealth is never enough. Even if someone manages to make it to the top of some financial hill, it won't amount to anything in eternity. 

This passage addresses topics like greed, selfishness, and foolishness. These are the kind of traits we easily find in other people's lives but would rather ignore in our own. Don't fall into that trap. As you read, listen, and pray this week, ask God to help you to use the wealth He has given you for His glory. Otherwise, you may earn a lot of money but you'll just be another fool. 

Monday - Proverbs 1

Tuesday - Proverbs 3

Wednesday - Proverbs 8

Thursday - Proverbs 11

Friday - 2 Corinthians 8

Saturday - 2 Corinthians 9

Sunday - 1 Timothy 6