Sermon Series: The Gospel of Luke

Sermon Text: Luke 11:27-36

Sermon Title: The Sign of Jonah

Sermon Points:

1. More blessed than Mary

2. Greater than Jonah

3. Brighter than the Darkness

Daily Devotional Guide

This morning's passage gives us a real good idea of what's important to Jesus. From Jesus' reaction to the woman who pronounced a blessing on Mary, we find that Jesus cares about obeying the word of God. From Jesus' use of Jonah and the Queen of Sheba, we find that He takes the word of God and judgment seriously. We should too. And from His short analogy of a lamp under a basket, we find that Jesus expects our faith to be very much public. 

As you read, pray, and listen this week, ask God to help you to be a faithful student of His word while boldly and publicly living it out. No one can faithfully follow Jesus in private for very long. Genuine saving faith will eventually be a public faith. 

Monday - James 1

Tuesday - 1 Kings 10

Wednesday - Jonah 1

Thursday - Jonah 2

Friday - Jonah 3

Saturday - Jonah 4

Sunday - Luke 11:37-54


Sermon Series: The Gospel of Luke

Sermon Text: Luke 11:14-26

Sermon Title: Jesus and Beelzebul

Sermon Points:

1. Two Types of Responses



2. Two Types of Powers

The Power of Christ

The Power of Satan

Daily Devotional Guide

It's one thing to reject Jesus. It's quite another to accuse him of being on the devil's team. But that's exactly what the religious leaders of Jesus' day did. 

Jesus had just cast a demon out of a man. The crowd of religious leaders didn't deny this miracle. They just rejected it. Rebels against God will go to great lengths to avoid submitting to him. 

We can't begin to imagine the specifics of why these religious leaders would so boldly reject Christ but we can examine our own hearts. Most, if not all, who are reading this would never accuse Jesus of working in tandem with Satan. Today's religious objectors to Christ are more subtle. They just stay neutral. As we see from Jesus' words in this week's passage, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." 

Neutrality is a myth. 

As you read, pray, and listen this week, consider your standing before God. Are you with Christ or against Him? Those are the only two options. 

Monday - Matthew 12:22-32

Tuesday - Matthew 23:1-15

Wednesday - Matthew 23:16-24

Thursday - Matthew 23:25-28

Friday - Matthew 23:29-36

Saturday - Ephesians 6:10-20